Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hipstawalk to the edge of Oslo…

Oslo is a fast growing city. One of the most popular places are Aker Brygge (pier). It is a former ship yard which was closed in 1982. Since then it has been developed as a area with a lot of restaurants, shops and apartments. And it is still under development as the area grows out into the sea.

This is a perfect place for a walk, and enjoying a soft ice cream on the dockside. The only problem is that if you are alone, no one tells you if you have a ice cream moustache. So I walked home for 2 miles with this in my face. :) But I got to dangle my feet off the edge of Oslo, so I was happy.

In print number 4 i saw the black-headed gull coming, and I was able to catch it in number 5 and 6. These gulls are not as weary as the others, and are notorious hot-dogs and ice cream thieves.

And yes, I had my building crane fetish served again…

All prints are the John S Lens and BlacKeys B+W Film.

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